Printer All In One – Daftar Lengkap Update Harga Printer All In One semua tipe merek Terbaru 2019. Sebelum kita mengetahui informasi seputar Harga Printer All in One harga yang relatif murah, ada baiknya Anda mengetahui lebih dulu apa itu yang dimaksud dengan printer all in one. Printer all in one merupakan printer multifungsi yang bisa mengerjakan beberapa fungsi dalam satu perangkat.
Jadi selain mencetak, printer all in one biasanya juga bisa digunakan untuk menscan atau memfoto copy hingga mengirim fax. Fungsi yang cukup banyak dalam satu perangkat ini memberikan konsekuensi perawatan yang juga harus lebih diperhatikan. Untuk menghemat biaya, jenis printer all in one ini biasanya banyak dibeli oleh kantor. Selain untuk lebih memudahkan berbagai kerja-kerja teknis, penggunaan printer jenis ini juga akan lebih menghemat anggaran.
Baca Juga: Mengenal Jenis-Jenis Macam Tipe Tinta Printer dan Fungsinya
Ketimbang membeli beberapa perangkat yang berbeda-beda, mungkin akan lebih praktis dengan satu alat saja. Meskipun untuk sebuah printer, jenis printer all in one ini lebih mahal harganya. Keuntungan lain dalam menggunakan jenis printer all in one tersebut adalah lebih hemat tempat. Ruangan kantor atau rumah yang luasnya terbatas tentu saja akan sangat terbantu dengan penggunaan jenis printer all in one tersebut.
Akan tetapi, meskipun memiliki banyak keuntungan, penggunaan printer ini juga memiliki beberapa kelemahan, seperti misalnya jika terjadi kerusakan pada salah satu fungsi, maka fungsi yang lain pun akan bermasalah hingga tidak bisa digunakan lagi. Karena memang penggunaannya yang harus hati-hati dan cukup sensitive maka sebaiknya Anda memilih jenis printer yang memiliki garansi yang cukup baik.
Tipe Printer dan Spesifikasi | Harga |
Printer All In One EPSON L655 | Rp 5.400.000 |
Print, Scan, Copy, FAX, A4, 4800×1200 dpi print resolution, 600×600 dpi copy resolution, 1200×2400 dpi scan resolution | |
Printer CANON All In One Pixma MX497 | Rp 1.500.000 |
Print, Scan, Copy, Fax, ISO Standard print speed (A4) : up to 4.4ipm (colour) / 8.8ipm (mono) Photo Speed (4 x 6″): 70secs. | |
Printer CANON All in One Pixma E460 WiFi | Rp 1.295.000 |
Print, Scan, Copy, ISO standard print speed (A4): up to 8.0ipm mono / 4.0ipm colour, WiFi | |
Printer CANON All in One Pixma MG7770 | Rp 3.800.000 |
Print/Scan/Copy, A4, WLAN b/g/n, Ethernet, 9600 x 2400 dpi, Black/White 15.0 ipm Print, Color 10.0 ipm Print, 2400 x 4800 dpi Scan | |
Printer CANON All in One Pixma MG5670 | Rp 1.670.000 |
A4, 4800 x 1200 dpi, Black/White 12.2 ipm Print, Color 8.7 ipm Print, 1200 x 2400 dpi Scan, Color 7.2 ipm Copy, Wifi, Duplex, USB | |
Printer All in One FUJI XEROX Docuprint CM225 fw (TL300875) | Rp 5.179.000 |
18ppm Warna & Mono, 1200×2400 dpi, 256MB, 15,0 detik Warna, 12,5 detik Monochrome, 10/100BaseT, USB2.0 (Hi-speed), IEEE802.11b/g/n, Multi Fungsi (Printer, Copy, Scan dan Fax) | |
Printer All in One FUJI XEROX Docuprint CM115 w (TL300865) | Rp 3.939.000 |
10ppm Warna, 12ppm Monochrome, 525 MHz, 1200 x 2400 dpi, 17.3 detik Warna, 15 detik Monochrome, USB2.0 (Hi-speed), IEEE802.11b/g/n, Multi Fungsi (Printer, Copy dan Scan) | |
Printer All in One FUJI XEROX Docuprint M115 Z (TL300901) | Rp 1.969.000 |
26 ppm, 266 MHz, 2400×600 dpi, 10 Base-T/ 100 Base-TX Ethernet USB 2.0 Hi-Speed, Scan dan Copy (Multi Function) | |
Printer All in One FUJI XEROX Docuprint M115 W (TL300892) | Rp 1.559.000 |
20 ppm, 200 MHz, 2400 x 600 dpi, USB2.0 Hi-Speed Wireless (IEEE 802.11b/g/n), Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8.1 Mac OS X 10.7x, 10.8x, 10.9x, Scan dan Copy (Multi Function) | |
Printer All in One Panasonic Multi-Function KX-MB 1520CXW/B | Rp 4.939.000 |
Copy, Print, Scan, Fax , 150 lembar + 1 Lembar Baki Manual, 16 Digits / 2 Lines, Memory Size 32 GB, Up to 18 cpm (A4), Up to 600 x 1200 dpi (Optional) / Up to 19200 x 19200 dpi (Interpolated), 380 mm x 360 mm x 203 mm | |
Printer All in One Panasonic Multi-Function KX-MB 2061CXB (Black) | Rp 9.229.000 |
Copy, Print, Scan, Fax, Network, Single Dect, Digital Speaker phone | |
Printer All in One Panasonic Multi-Function KX-MB 1530CXW/B | Rp 5.219.000 |
Laser, 150 lembar + 1 Lembar Baki Manual, LCD Display 16 Digits / 2 Lines, Memory Size 32 GB, Kecepatan Mencetak (Print) Up to 18 ppm (A4), Resolusi Mencetak 600 x 600 dpi, Emulation GDI | |
Printer All In One CANON PIXMA MP497 | Rp 1.400.000 |
A4 photo printing (8″ x 10″), 1200x2400dpi, Print/Scan/Copy, Auto Photo Fix II function, USB2.0, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n | |
Printer All in One EPSON 3-in-1 L850 | Rp 5.200.000 |
A4, 5760x1440dpi, 5ipm (B&W) / 4.8ipm (Warna), Resolusi Pindai 1200x2400dpi, LCD 2.7″ | |
Printer All in One Epson L455 | Rp 3.850.000 |
Fungsi Print, Scan & Copy, A4, 5760x1440dpi, 33ppm (B&W) 15ppm Warna, Resolusi Pindai 1200x2400dpi, 1.44 inch (3.7cm) TFT Colour LCD | |
Printer HP Officejet 7500A Wide-Format -All-in-One | Rp 2.475.000 |
A3, 4800 x 1200 dpi, 33/32 (BW/Color) ppm Print, 4800 dpi Scan, 33/32 (BW/Color) cpm Copy, Tray 1# 150, Fax, NIC, Wireless 802.11b/g, USB | |
Printer All in One BROTHER MFC-L2700D | Rp 2.490.000 |
Copy, Scan, Fax, PC Fax, Duplex (Double sided) Print,Up to 1,200 x 6,000 dpi (Horizontal x Vertical) | |
Printer All in One HP LaserJet Pro M1536dnf | Rp 3.610.000 |
Fungsi Print, Scan & Copy, A4, 600 x 600 dpi, 25 ppm Print, 1200 dpi Scan, 25 cpm Copy, Tray 1# 250, Duplex, Fax, NIC, USB | |
Printer ALL in One BROTHER DCP-J100 | Rp 1.790.000 |
Print, Scan & Copy, A4, Print BW/Color: 11/6 ppm, 1.200x 6.000 dpi, 64MB, Zoom 25-400%, Scan 1200x 2400 dpi, Scan Feature to Image, Email, File, 1 Line LCD Display, 100 sheets input Tray. | |
Printer All in One CANON PIXMA [MG6670] | Rp 2.699.000 |
Print, Scan & Copy, A4, 4800 x 1200 dpi, Black/White 12.2 ipm Print, Color 8.7 ipm Print,1200 x 2400 dpi Scan, Color 7.7 ipm Copy, Card Slots, Wifi, LAN, USB | |
Printer All in One HP Officejet 7612 Wide Format [G1X85A] | Rp 3.649.000 |
Print, Scan & Copy, A3, 4800 x 1200 dpi, 33/29 (BW/Color) ppm Print, 1200 dpi Scan, 33/29 (BW/Color) cpm Copy, Tray 1# 250, Fax, NIC, Wireless 802.11b/g, USB. | |
Printer All in One Multifunction HP LaserJet Pro 400 MFP M425dw | Rp 7.899.000 |
A4, 1200 x 1200 dpi, Black/White 33 ppm Print, 1200 dpi Scan, Black/White 33 ppm Copy, Tray 2# 250, Fax Modem, Duplex, NIC, USB | |
Printer All in One Multifungsi HP LaserJet Pro MFP M225DW | Rp 4.900.000 |
A4 , Print 26 ppm, Copy 26 ppm, Flatbed Scan, Fax, ADF, LAN, USB, Tray 250 sheet, Duplex, LCD, Wifi | |
Printer All in One BROTHER MFC-J200 | Rp 2.430.000 |
A4, Print BW/Color 11/6 ppm, 1.200x 6.000 dpi, 64MB, Copy BW/Color 4.8/3 cpm, Zoom 25-400%, Scan 1200x 2400 dpi, Scan Feature to Image, Email, File, 1 Line LCD Display, Fax Modem 14.4kbps, PC-Fax (USB only), 100 sheets input Tray, Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) 20 sheets, WiFi, Mobile Printing iPrint & iScan, AirPrint, Google Cloud Print. | |
Printer All in One Multifungsi HP LaserJet Pro MFP M125a [CZ172A] | Rp 2.000.000 |
A4, 600 x 600 dpi, Black/White 20 ppm Print, 1200 x 1200 dpi Scan, Black/White 20 cpm Copy, Tray 1# 150, USB | |
Printer HP Officejet Pro 8610 e-All-in-One [A7F64A] | Rp 3.160.000 |
A4, 4800 x 1200, Black/White 31 ppm Print, Color 31 ppm Print, 1200 x 1200 dpi Scan, Black/White 31 cpm Copy, Color 31 cpm Copy, Tray 1# 250, Fax, WiFi 802.11b/g/n, USB | |
Printer HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2645 All-in-One [D4H22B] | Rp 1.040.000 |
A4, 4800 x 1200 dpi, Black/White 20 ppm Print, Color 16 ppm Print, 1200 dpi Scan, Black/White 4.5 cpm Copy, Color 3 cpm Copy, Tray 1# 60, Fax, USB | |
Printer FUJI XEROX DocuPrint [M255z] All in One | Rp 4.730.000 |
A4, 1200 x 1200 dpi, Black/White 30 ppm Print, 4800 x 4800 dpi Scan, Tray 1# 250, Fax, NIC, USB | |
Printer HP Officejet Pro 6830 e-All-in-One (E3E02A) | Rp 2.569.000 |
A4, 600 x 1200, Black/White 29 ppm Print, Color 24 ppm Print, 1200 x 1200 dpi Scan, Black/White 28 cpm Copy, Color 24 cpm Copy, Tray 1# 225, Fax, ADF, Duplex, Wireless, USB | |
Printer CANON PIXMA MX537 All in One | Rp 2.225.000 |
Platform : Multifunction, A4, 4800 x 1200 dpi, Black/White 9.7 ipm Print, Color 5.5 ipm Print, 1200 x 2400 dpi Scan, Color 4.7 ipm Copy, Fax, ADF, WiFi, LAN, USB | |
Printer All in OnE CANON imageCLASS [MF3010] | Rp 2.100.000 |
Platform: Multifunction, Metode Cetak: Laser, A4, 600 x 600 dpi, Black/White 19 ppm Print, 600 x 600 dpi Scan, Black/White 19 cpm Copy, Tray 1# 150, USB | |
Printer HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4645 e-All-in-One | Rp 1.750.000 |
Platform: Multifunction, Metode Cetak: InkJet, A4, 4800 x 1200 dpi, Black/White 21 ppm Print, Color 17 ppm Print, 1200 ppi Scan, Black/White 6 cpm Copy, Color 4 cpm Copy, Fax, Photo,Wireless, Tray 1# 100, USB | |
Printer All in One FUJI XEROX DocuPrint CM215 b | Rp 3.799.000 |
A4 , 128 MB , 1200 x 2400 dpi , 295 Mhz , 150 sheet tray + 10 sheet bypass | |
Printer All in One CANON Pixma E560 | Rp 1.750.000 |
Print, Scan, Copy Kecepatan cetak Standar ISO (A4): sampai 5.7ipm (warna) / 9.9ipm (mono), Kecepatan Foto (4 x 6 “): 44sec (borderless) | |
Printer All in One CANON Pixma E400 B | Rp 825.000 |
Print, Scan, Copy Kecepatan cetak Standar ISO (A4): sampai 4.0ipm (warna) / 8.0ipm (mono) | |
Printer OKI All In One MB461 | Rp 4.875.000 |
Multifungsi, A4, 2400 x 600 dpi, 33 (BW) ppm Print, 600 x 600 dpi Scan, 33 cpm (BW) Copy, Tray 1# 250, Duplex, LAN, USB | |
Printer All in One Multifungsi CANON Pixma MG2570 Harga Murah | Rp 725.000 |
print, scan, copy, A4 , 4800 x 600 dpi , USB 2.0 Hi-Speed | |
Printer All in One HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2020hc [CZ733A] | Rp 1.030.000 |
Platform: Multifunction, Printing Method: InkJet, Printing Technology: HP Thermal InkJet, A4, 4800 x 1200 dpi, 20/16 (BW/Color) ppm Print, Tray 1# 60, USB | |
Printer All in One HP LaserJet Pro MFP M127fn [CZ181A] | Rp 2.980.000 |
Multifunction, Laser, A4, 600×600 dpi, Black/White 21 ppm Print, 1200 dpi Scan, Black/White 20 cpm Copy, Tray 1# 150, Fax, USB | |
Printer All in One HP Officejet 150 Mobile | Rp 3.800.000 |
Multifunction, HP Thermal InkJet, A4, 4800 x 1200 dpi, Black/White 22 ppm Print, Color 18 ppm Print, 600 dpi Scan, Black/White 4 cpm Copy, Color 2 cpm Copy, Tray 1# 50, USB | |
Printer HP DeskJet Ink 4625 e-All-in-One [CZ284B] | Rp 1.700.000 |
Multifunction, InkJetA4, 4800 x 1200 dpi,Black/White 23 ppm Print, Color 22 ppm Print, Duplex Printing, 1200 dpi Scan, Black/White 21 cpm Copy, Color 17 cpm Copy, Tray 1#100, SD Card slot, WiFi, USB | |
Printer All in One HP Officejet 7110 [CR768A] | Rp 2.125.000 |
Fungsi Print / Scan / Copy, Inkjet, A3+, 4800 x 1200 dpi, 33/29 (BW/Color) ppm Print, Tray 1# 250, USB, Wireless | |
Printer All in One BROTHER MFC-9140 CDN | Rp 5.750.000 |
Electrophotographic LED , A4 , 600 x 600 dpi , USB , Wireless LAN | |
Printer All in One BROTHER MFC-9330CDW | Rp 6.350.000 |
Digital Color LED, A4 , 600 x 2400 dpi , Windows® & Mac OS , Usb | |
Printer All in One HP AIO DJ IA 2545 | Rp 995.000 |
A4, 4800 x 1200 dpi, Black/White 20 ppm Print, Color 16 ppm Print, 1200 dpi Scan, Black/White 4.5 cpm Copy, Color 3 cpm Copy, Tray 1# 60, Wireless Direct Printing, AirPrint™, USB | |
Printer All In One Hp Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 [B2L57B] | Rp 690.000 |
InkJet, A4, 4800 x 1200 dpi, Black/White 20 ppm Print, Color 16 ppm Print, 1200 dpi Scan, Black/White 4.5 cpm Copy, Color 3 cpm Copy, Tray 1# 60, USB | |
Printer All in One PANTUM M-5005 | Rp 1.593.100 |
Electro-photographic Laser, A4, 1200 x 600 dpi, Black/White 20 ppm Print, Black/White 20 cpm Copy, Tray 1# 150, Scanner Flatbed, USB | |
Printer All in One RICOH Aficio [SP-202SN] | Rp 2.400.000 |
Electrophotographic, A4, 1200 x 600 dpi, Black/White 22 ppm Print, 600 x 600 dpi Scan, Black/White 22 cpm Copy, Tray 1#150, Network, Ethernet, USB | |
Printer All in One RICOH Aficio [SP-200S] | Rp 1.990.000 |
Electrophotographic, A4, 1200 x 600 dpi, Black/White 22 ppm Print, 600 x 600 dpi Scan, Black/White 22 ppm Copy, Tray 1# 150, USB | |
Printer All in One EPSON WorkForce [WF-3521] | Rp 3.200.000 |
on-demand MicroPiezo® inkjet technology, Nozzle Configuration, 360 Nozzles black, With Variable-Sized Droplet Technology, A4, 5760 x 1440 dpi, Black/White 38 ppm, Color 38 ppm Print, 1200 x 2400 dpi Scan, Black/White 38 cpm, Color 38 cpm Copy, Tray 1# 250, Fax, Duplex, NIC, Wi-fi, USB | |
Printer EPSON WORKFORCE M100 All In One | Rp 1.990.000 |
On-demand inkjet, 1.440 x 720 dpi, A4, 34 Pages/min Monochrome Print Speed, 100 Sheets Paper Tray, Print, Ethernet interface, Sofware, 220V, 3,4 Kg | |
Printer All in One EPSON WORKFORCE M200 | Rp 2.500.000 |
On-demand inkjet, 1.440 x 720 dpi, 34 Pages/min Monochrome, PDF, A4, 100 sheet paper, Print, Scan, Copy, Hi-Speed USB, Softwer, 6 Kg | |
Printer EPSON All in One AcuLaser CX16 | Rp 4.120.000 |
600 MHz, 256 MB, 1GB Max, Scan, Copy, Monochrome, 20 characters x 4 Lines, USB 2.0 Type B, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows XP | |
Printer All in One SAMSUNG Xpress SL-M2070FW | Rp 25.499.000 |
Laser Mono Multifunction, 2-line LCD Display, Memori: 128MB, Scan Speed: Up to 17 ipm, A4 / A5 / A6 / Letter / Legal / Executive / Folio / Oficio / ISO B5 / JIS B5, 1200 x 1200 dpi, 21 (BW) ppm, NFC, Wifi, Google Cloud ready, Scan, Copy, Fax | |
Selain fungsinya yang cukup baik, beberapa jenis printer all in one Harga Murah tersebut juga lebih simple digunakan. Bagi mereka yang baru menggunakan juga akan diberi panduan penggunaan yang lebih mudah dipahami. Beberapa jenis printer all in one di atas termasuk daftar printer yang terbaik dan cukup banyak digunakan orang. Beberapa tips yang bisa dilakukan untuk menjaga penggunaan printer all in one tersebut diantaranya adalah:
Di dalam sebuah rumah atau kantor, penggunaan printer all in one tentunya sangat menguntungkan. Tak perlu keluar rumah, untuk kebutuhan Anda semuanya sudah bisa tercukupi dari satu alat saja. Tinggal bagaimana Cara Anda Merawat cartridge serta Printer agar Tetap Awet dan Tahan Lama. Fungsi yang banyak dalam suatu alat menuntut kita untuk bisa menggunakan alat tersebut dengan lebih teliti.
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dari bahas harga printer ini kok tidak ada harga printer yang paling murah ya, semuanya diatas satu jutaan.
Ada gan, sudah dicantumkan didalam artikel, yakni Printer All In One Hp Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 [B2L57B] harganya Rp 690.000
Ini bisa wireless nggak gan?